Welcome to Raghav Physiotherapy
No.35, 1st main road,Near Bhuvaneshwari amman temple, Andal nagar, Adambakkam, Chennai- 600088.
Iam Dr.Ravikumar, Scientist from Bangalore got affected by Left side hemiplegia on 8th Oct 2015 and for one month I was having Physiotherapy &Traditional treatment in Bangalore. Later, on 8th Nov 2015, I came to know about Dr. Thiagarajan, Senior Physiotherapist in Adambakkam, Chennai. I approached him to help in my recovery. The treatment involved innovative exercises of his Eclectic Approach, Dry needling, NeuroMuscular Stimulation etc & electrotherapeutic agents for my shoulder pain. The most important factor for a patient is boosting the moral and positive counselling. The doctor gave me confidence and encouraged me to go through the rigorous everyday exercises. I would often had emotional breakdown but doctor was always there holding hand and stimulated my energy level to work further. It is his push and effort and my dedicated following of his instructions, helped me today to be independent, emotionally stronger and get back to my professional life in full form. I had been to several physicians and was said that it would take nearly 2 years to get back to my life and infact they told that i will be partially dependent. But my heartfelt thanks to Doctor who diagnosed my health issue and meticulously prepared my regime of day. Its 8 months now and I am very glad and pleased to say that I am back to my normal life with complete independence in all my professional & personal activities. He has good sense of humour, making the patient always comfortable and his punctuality are few to describe him in brief. He is an Excellent Clinician & Brilliant Academician. During the last 8 months, I have seen patients with simple to several chronic conditions from India to Abroad. All of the patients are given personal and individual attention by the doctor.
I was suffering with neck & back pain for many years and managed with medications and physiotherapy. But the pain and discomfort was not improved. Then i visited raghavphysio clinic and consulted Dr.Thiagarajan. He accurately diagnosed my problem and treated with therapy modalities, exercise programs etc. Now iam completely pain free and enjoying my day to day activities. Additionally I suffered from intolerable pain over cheeks and difficulty in speaking and singing even for few minutes. He Diagnosed it as Myofascial disorder which is an sequelae of improperly treated spondylosis of cervical spine. i have taken spine xrays as per his advice & took treatment for the same. He treated with Dry Needling & Myofascial release along with routine therapy / Exercises. Iam glad to say that now iam back to my work as Devotional Singer and singing for hours together without any discomfort or pain. iam indebtly & heartfully thanking Dr.Thiagarajan for his diagnosis & treatment with dedication.
I was sufffering with frozen shoulder in my left arm in 2015 and lost 80% of movement.I consulted few Ortho specialists.They suggested to try physiotherapy for a week and if still find no improvement I had to undergo mobilization under anesthesia.I was very worried of mobilization,and I met Physio Dr.Thiyagarajan, and expalined my problem. After analysis, He explained the cause for my problem with patience.His depth of knowledge I could sense in his body language and got confidence that I would get well. He did a thorough investigation of my problem and suggested me 3 weeks treatment. After 2 weeks, I felt my movement vastly improved around 60 % but still felt the pain.So Dr.Phsyio started his 'magic' needle treatlemt. He spotted the pain areas very well and gave the needle treatment. Though painful during the treatment, by end of the day, I could feel the pain relief in those areas.I underwent the needle treatment for next 1 week and I was totally out of pain. Then I continued with the excersie he suggested and gained my left arm normal movement in a month time. Thanks to Dr."Magic Needle" Thiyagarajan.