Welcome to Raghav Physiotherapy
No.35, 1st main road,Near Bhuvaneshwari amman temple, Andal nagar, Adambakkam, Chennai- 600088.
Dear friends as you are aware; the field of Neurological Physiotherapy has been growing by leaps and bounds over the years. With the advent of several strategies, techniques and concepts designed by the laborious work of Physical Therapists across the globe, Physiotherapy is being taken to a new dimension. But the sad truth is that several strategies and concepts have been left un-explored at least in our continent where most therapists still prefer the traditional approaches to impairments and disabilities.
It is a high time for physiotherapists to open up to a whole new realm of therapy by equipping themselves with up-to-date knowledge and incorporating evidence based strategies for the benefit of our patients. In health care where our neurological approaches stands & where we are placed in rehabilitation. We probe in such a way few lacuna’s we realise, feel, accept without any hesitation. This raw areas are exposed & exploited by publicizing that stroke physical therapy is time consuming & incomplete. I deeply analysed & felt that we are fully sourced but failed to find a resource. Newly invented modalities like CIMT, robotic therapy, botox therapy, biofeedback etc are in the rehabilitation market with royal price & fancy. Though many emerging & emerged modalities being appreciated marginally with lack of evidence & substantial benefits. How these products overrided our approaches?... Concrete answer from my mind, heart & practice is lack of coordinated skill in using the approaches. Is one approach is the answer. Hope so never. One approach is not sufficient & efficient enough to tackle a situation or to solve the problem. Each approach is designed in unique way with its own limitations. It’s our own responsibility & timely demand for individual patients to be benefitted. So learning all approaches & utilizing it in a justifiable way with sound clinical reasoning & neurophysiological evidence after understanding the approaches exclusively. Finally i conclude this message with my strong hope that nothing is outdated or old in science, every current generations are regenerated in any one form from an old generation.